
  • Is a renewable source of energy that is made mostly of methane.

  • The gas is formed when biological matter like cow manure or kitchen waste is decomposed in special biogas digesters.

Production of biogas

  • Fresh cow dung is collected and then mixed with water to form sludge.
  • Organic wastes are added to the digester and mixed with water.
  • The anaerobic bacteria start to break down the organic wastes. Solid wastes collect at the bottom.
  • The biogas rises to the top of the digester and the gas can be piped off and used in homes for cooking, lighting.
  • The digested sludge (slurry) is collected and used as a fertiliser for farms or gardens.
  • The digester is built underground so that the heat produced during decomposition is retained and facilitates further decomposition of the cow dung


Factors affecting the production of biogas

  • Nature of waste
  • Time
  • Anaerobic bacteria
  • pH between 6 & 8
  • Suitable temperature of about 25-60oC
  • Air


Uses of biogas

  • Cooking Lighting
  • Operating a refrigerator

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