

Classroom integration

UPSTEM Academy Edtech learning platform integrated and synced with Google Classroom to streamline assignments, boost collaboration, and foster communication. Our highly qualified tutors can import created and managed classes, assignments and shared resource and use the class stream to post announcements and engage students in question-driven discussions synched to their courses on our platform. Simultaneously our beloved students can track classwork and submit assignments, check feedback, and grades, share resources and interact in the class stream or by email.

How it works for Tutors

When you import a course from Google Classroom, some new settings will appear on the Course Builder


Enable Classroom Stream

This will show the Google Classroom stream on the single course page for enrolled students

Show Classroom Files in Stream

This will show files that you upload on Google Classroom on the stream tab as well.

Include Classroom Files in Resources

This will show Classroom files on the resources tab along with your own files uploaded to the platform system.

How it works for students

Our system will automatically fetch the email addresses of the students enrolled in the classroom and register them to UPSTEM Academy website. The system will send an email to all students notifying them of the registration, and also giving them credentials they need to log in to the website. All the student needs to do is set a password for their account. We also have feature to send Google Classroom invitation to enrolled students in Tutor LMS.

Ongoing Classes

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