Production of Ammonia -The Haber Process

Production of Ammonia -The Haber Process

Conditions needed for the production of ammonia

  • 450 – 500oC temperature
  • High pressure of 200 – 300 atmosphere
  • Powdered iron catalyst


Raw materials used

  • Hydrogen from electrolysis of water
  • Nitrogen from fractional distillation of liquid air


The Haber Process





  • Ammonia is manufactured by reacting nitrogen and hydrogen. One Ammonia is manufactured by reacting nitrogen and hydrogen. volume of nitrogen reacts with three volumes of ammonia.
  • The gas pressure is raised to 200 atm and the temperature to 500ºC. The mixture is passed over an iron catalyst and about 17% of it is converted to ammonia.

NB: The reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen is reversible and exothermic

  • The gas pressure is raised to 200 atm and the temperature to 500ºC. The mixture is passed over an iron catalyst and about 17% of it is converted to ammonia.

NB: The reaction between nitrogen and hydrogen is reversible and exothermic

Iron catalyst

Nitrogen + Hydrogen ⇔ Ammonia + Heat

500ºC, 200 Atm


  • As ammonia is produced, the pressure of the gases drops. If the gases are compressed (their pressure increased, more ammonia is produced.
  • Lower temperatures, are maintained to obtain a good yield. The temperatures of the reaction is kept as low as possible (about 450ºC)
  • The reaction is slowed when the temperature is lowered and for the reason, an iron catalyst is used to speed up the reaction of ammonia but it does not alter the total amount of ammonia produced


Industrial uses of ammonia

  • For producing fertilisers, nitric acid, nylon, dyes, cleaners, detergents and dry cells
  • Refrigerant
  • Household cleaners/cleaning agents


Uses of Industrial Gases





Electrolysis of water

Manufacture of ammonia and margarine

Liquefaction of air Electrolysis of water

Cutting and welding metals Steel manufacturer

Medical use

Liquefactions of air

manufacture of ammonia

manufacture of nitric acid

as a refrigerant

for freezing vegetables

in medicine

Haber process

Manufacture of fertilizers

As refrigerant


Liquefaction of air

Fermentation processes

In fizzy drinks

As a dry ice refrigerant

Fire extinguishers

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