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Diagnostic features of the Kingdom Plantae[8]
- Eukaryotic;
- Multicellular;
- Photosynthetic/autotrophic;
- Have cellulose cell walls;
- Non-motile;
- Have chloroplasts containing chlorophyll a and b;
- store carbohydrate as starch;
- reproduce sexually and asexually;
- Have vascular system or undeveloped vascular tissue;
- mainly terrestrial;
- some have true roots, leaves and roots;
- alteration of generations
Economic importance of kingdom plantae[6]
- food for most organisms
- can be used for medical use
- manufacturing rubber
- tourism attraction e.g botanical gardens
- for timber
- for experimental use
- plants can be used to make fuel e.g fossil fuels
Diagnostic features of the kingdom Animaliae[8]
- Eukaryotic;
- Multicellular;
- Non photosynthetic;
- Heterotrophic;
- no cellulose cell walls;
- store carbohydrate as glycogen;
- no chlorophyll;
- motile;
- have nervous system (C.N.S);
- have endocrine system for homeostasis;
- reproduce sexually or asexually;
- body divided into head, abdomen and limbs;
- all have an alimentary canal ;
- bilateral symmetry except cnidarians and echinoderms;
- triploblastic except cnidarians;
- some are segmented e.g annelids and arthropods
Economic importance of kingdom animalia[6]
- source of food
- animal waste can be used for organic fertilizers
- ivory maybe used for jewellery making
- some animals can used for medical use
- tourism
- for experimental research
- animaal hides(skins) can be used to make shoes from leather
Diagnostic features of the kingdom Prokaryotae[8]
- lack true nucleus;
- circular D.N.A lies free in the cytoplasm;
- unicellular;
- no membrane bound organelles;
- mesosomes for respiration (instead of mitochondria);
- have 70s ribosomes;
- cell walls of murein (peptidoglycan);
- average diameter 0.5-5 micrometres;
- reproduce asexually by binary fission
Economic importance of bacteria-prokaryotae [6]
- for genetic engineering e.g can be used to form recombinant DNA
- sewage treatment ie digestion of slag
- used to clean oil spoilages esp in sea and oceans
- used for nitrogen fixation
- can be use for decomposition of substances
Diagnostic features of the Kingdom Fungi[6]
- some are unicellular e.g yeast and some are multicellular e.g mushroom;
- non photosynthetic;
- heterotrophic/saprotrophic/parasitic/mutualistic;
- nutrition is absorptive-digestion takes place outside the body and nutrients are absorbed;
- cell walls made of chitin as the main fibrilar material;
- body is a mycelium a network of fine tubular filaments called hyphae growing from horizontal hyphae the stolon;
- end of hyphae bears sporangia which are a reproductive organ for spore formation;
- eukaryotic;
- store carbohydrate as glycogen;
- asexual reproduction by spore formation;
- non-motile
Economic importance of fungi[6]
- yeast are used in bread production
- used for medical purposes eg as an antibiotic(penicillin)
- decomposition of sewage and organic material in the soil
- production of alcohol for drinking and industry
- experimental use esp for genetic investigations
- food spoilage
Bacteria are members of the kingdom Prokaryota. Describe the main features of a bacterial cell. [8]
- DNA not surrounded by nuclear membrane / no nucleus;
- (prokaryote) DNA is circular;
- DNA not associated with histones; A naked DNA
- plasmids (may) be present;
- no (double) membrane-bound organelles; A no, mitochondria / chloroplasts
- no, ER / Golgi; A ribosomes not attached to membranes
- ribosomes,70S / 18 nm / smaller (than eukaryotic cells);
- cell wall made of, peptidoglycan / murein / amino sugars ;
- (usually) unicellular;
- 0.5 to 5.0 µm diameter;
- (may) have, flagella / pili / capsule / slime layer