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The use of recombinant DNA technology
in the synthesis of human insulin by bacteria
- mRNA coding for insulin/isolate gene for human insulin;
- from beta cells of islets of Langerhans/pancreas;
- reference to reverse transcriptase;
- to cDNA;
- reference PCR/DNA polymerase/double strand;
- reference sticky ends;
- use of vector/virus/plasmid;
- reference endonuclease/restriction enzymes;
- to cut plasmid;
- reference DNA ligase to join DNA;
- inserted into suitable host cell/E.coli/bacteria;
- reference method of insertion;
- identification of modified bacteria;
- reference growth/culture of engineered bacteria in fermenters
The gene coding for human insulin
Can be obtained and inserted into a plasmid vector.
- obtain mRNA from β cells (of islets of Langerhans of pancreas) ;
- reverse transcriptase ;
- make (single-stranded) cDNA ;
- DNA polymerase used to make cDNA double stranded ;
- sticky ends created ;
- (obtain) plasmids ;
- cut with restriction, endonuclease/ enzyme ; A named e.g. EcoR1
- ref. complementary sticky ends ;
- cDNA / insulin gene, mixed with plasmid ;
- DNA ligase ;
- seals nicks in sugar-phosphate backbone ;
The advantages of treating diabetic
People with human insulin produced by gene technology.
- it is identical to human insulin ;
- (more) rapid response ;
- no/ fewer, immune response/ side effects/allergic reactions ;
- ref. to ethical/ moral/ religious, issues ;
- cheaper to produce in large volume/ unlimited availability ;
- less risk of, transmitting disease/infection ;
- good for people who have developed tolerance to animal insulin ;