ZIMSEC Biology Practical Paper 4 Tips & Hints 2 Hours 30 minutes 50 marks Weighting – 14% This
Category: GCE A-level Biology
Biology examination questions.
ZIMSEC Prac exam questions. There are usually three questions on Paper 4. The examiners will take care to
Scientific drawings biology practical
Scientific drawings. They are an important part of the of biology practical and all candidates must able to
Introduction to biodiversity notes
Terms Species: a group of organisms with similar morphological and physiological features, which can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
zimsec Biodiversity notes
Learning objectives identify organisms using diagnostic features of the five Kingdoms use diagnostic features to divide kingdoms into
The Cell cycle
The cycle is divided into four distinct phases, G1, S, G2, and M (mitosis). Interphase During interphase, the
Immunity is the protection against diseases provided by the body‘s immune or defence system. There are two parts
Cells of the Immune system
Originate from the stem cells in the bone marrow Stem cells retain the ability to divide by mitosis
Active and passive immunity
Active immunity result of infection/naturally/artificially/vaccination body manufactures its own antibodies stimulated by memory cells most effective/rapid response (second