Course Content
Biopython Fundamentals
About Lesson


  • Understand the concept of batch retrieval and its importance in retrieving multiple sequences.
  • Learn how to perform batch retrieval of sequences using Biopython’s Bio.Entrez module.
  • Explore different strategies and options for efficient batch retrieval.

Batch Retrieval of Sequences

  • Batch retrieval allows the simultaneous retrieval of multiple sequences from a database.
  • It is a time-saving approach when dealing with large datasets or performing comparative analyses.

Using Biopython for Batch Retrieval

  • Biopython’s Bio.Entrez module provides functions for performing batch retrieval of sequences from NCBI databases.
  • The efetch_batch() function is used for efficient batch retrieval.

Batch Retrieval

from Bio import Entrez
from Bio import SeqIO

# Provide your email address for Entrez = ""

# Set the database and identifiers for batch retrieval
db = "protein"
ids = ["AAA59151.1", "NP_002299.1", "AAB18724.1"]

# Perform batch retrieval of sequences
handle = Entrez.efetch(db=db, id=ids, rettype="fasta", retmode="text")

# Parse and process the retrieved sequences
records = SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta")
for record in records:
    print("Sequence ID:",
    print("Sequence Description:", record.description)
    print("Sequence Length:", len(record.seq))

# Close the handle
  • Set your email address for Entrez using
  • Specify the database (“protein”) and a list of identifiers (“ids”) for batch retrieval.
  • Use Entrez.efetch() with the appropriate parameters for the desired output format (e.g., “fasta”).
  • Parse and process the retrieved sequences using SeqIO.parse().
  • Extract relevant information from each sequence record, such as ID, description, length, and sequence.

Efficient Batch Retrieval

  • Batch retrieval can involve large datasets, so it is important to implement efficient strategies.
  • Consider limiting the number of sequences retrieved at a time to avoid overwhelming the server.
  • Implement appropriate error handling and retries to handle potential network issues.


  • Batch retrieval enables the efficient retrieval of multiple sequences from NCBI databases.
  • Biopython’s Bio.Entrez module provides functions for performing batch retrieval.
  • Optimize your batch retrieval strategies to ensure efficient and reliable retrieval of sequences.