Course Content
Biopython Fundamentals
About Lesson


  • Understand the challenges of managing and integrating biological data from multiple databases.
  • Learn about Biopython’s tools and functionalities for database integration and data management.
  • Explore techniques for efficient data retrieval, storage, and organization using Biopython.

Challenges in Database Integration

  • Biological data is distributed across various databases, each with its own data format and retrieval methods.
  • Integrating data from multiple databases can be challenging due to differences in data structures, identifiers, and access protocols.

Biopython’s Database Integration Tools

  • Biopython provides modules and functions to integrate data from different databases into a unified framework.
  • The main modules for database integration in Biopython are Bio.Entrez and BioSQL.

Data Retrieval and Storage

  • Biopython allows the retrieval of data from databases using APIs and query systems.
  • The retrieved data can be stored in various formats, such as FASTA, GenBank, or custom formats, for easy access and analysis.

Retrieving and Storing Sequence Data

from Bio import Entrez
from Bio import SeqIO

# Provide your email address for Entrez = ""

# Retrieve sequence data from GenBank
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id="NC_000913", rettype="gb", retmode="text")
record =, "gb")

# Store sequence data in FASTA format
SeqIO.write(record, "sequence.fasta", "fasta")
  • Set your email address for Entrez using
  • Use Entrez.efetch() to retrieve sequence data from a specific database (e.g., GenBank).
  • Specify the database (“nucleotide”), unique identifiers (e.g., “NC_000913”), and the desired output format (rettype and retmode).
  • Read the retrieved record using and store it in the FASTA format using SeqIO.write().

Data Organization and Management

  • Biopython provides data structures like SeqRecord and SeqFeature to organize and manage biological data.
  • These data structures allow convenient access and manipulation of sequence data, annotations, and features.

Organizing Sequence Data and Annotations

from Bio import SeqIO

# Read sequence data from a file
records = SeqIO.parse("sequences.fasta", "fasta")

# Iterate through the records and access annotations
for record in records:
    print("Sequence ID:",
    print("Description:", record.description)
    print("Sequence Length:", len(record.seq))
    print("Features:", record.features)
  • Read sequence data from a file using SeqIO.parse().
  • Iterate through the records and access annotations, such as ID, description, sequence length, and features.


  • Integrating and managing biological data from multiple databases is essential for comprehensive data analysis.
  • Biopython provides tools and functionalities for database integration, data retrieval, storage, and organization.
  • Utilize Biopython’s modules and data structures to efficiently manage and analyze biological data.