Course Content
Biopython Fundamentals
About Lesson


  • Understand the concept of scripting and its role in automating bioinformatics tasks.
  • Learn how to write scripts using Biopython to automate common bioinformatics tasks.
  • Explore examples of scripting workflows for sequence manipulation, file handling, and data analysis.

Introduction to Scripting

  • Scripting involves writing code in a scripting language to automate tasks and execute them sequentially.
  • In bioinformatics, scripting is widely used to automate repetitive tasks, process large datasets, and perform complex analyses.

Benefits of Scripting with Biopython

  • Biopython provides a rich set of modules and functions specifically designed for bioinformatics tasks.
  • Using Biopython for scripting offers the following benefits:
    1. Simplified syntax and functionality tailored for bioinformatics.
    2. Integration with other Python libraries for enhanced capabilities.
    3. Access to a large user community and extensive documentation for support.
    4. Compatibility with various bioinformatics file formats and databases.

Scripting Tasks with Biopython

  • Biopython can be used to script a wide range of bioinformatics tasks, including:
    • Sequence manipulation: reading, writing, translating, reverse complementing, etc.
    • File handling: parsing, format conversion, filtering, etc.
    • Data retrieval: accessing databases, retrieving sequences, annotations, etc.
    • Sequence analysis: alignment, motif searching, primer design, etc.
    • Data visualization: generating plots, graphs, and visual representations.

Example: Scripting Sequence Manipulation

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq

# Read a FASTA file
sequences = SeqIO.parse("sequences.fasta", "fasta")

# Perform sequence manipulation
for sequence in sequences:
    seq = Seq(sequence.seq)
    rev_seq = seq.reverse_complement()
    print("Original Sequence:", seq)
    print("Reverse Complement:", rev_seq)
  • Use SeqIO.parse() to read sequences from a FASTA file.
  • Perform sequence manipulation tasks, such as generating reverse complements, using Biopython’s sequence manipulation functions.
  • Print the original sequence and its reverse complement.

Example: Scripting File Parsing and Filtering

from Bio import SeqIO

# Read a GenBank file
records = SeqIO.parse("", "genbank")

# Filter and extract CDS features
for record in records:
    for feature in record.features:
        if feature.type == "CDS":
            print("Gene:", feature.qualifiers["gene"][0])
            print("Protein ID:", feature.qualifiers["protein_id"][0])
            print("Protein Sequence:", feature.qualifiers["translation"][0])
  • Use SeqIO.parse() to read sequences from a GenBank file.
  • Iterate through the features of each record and filter for CDS (Coding DNA Sequence) features.
  • Extract relevant information, such as gene name, protein ID, and protein sequence, using feature qualifiers.

Example: Scripting Data Retrieval from NCBI databases

from Bio import Entrez

# Provide your email address for Entrez = ""

# Search and retrieve sequences from NCBI Nucleotide database
handle = Entrez.esearch(db="nucleotide", term="Escherichia coli[Organism]", retmax=5)
record_ids =["IdList"]
handle = Entrez.efetch(db="nucleotide", id=record_ids, rettype="fasta", retmode="text")
sequences = SeqIO.parse(handle, "fasta")

# Process and analyze retrieved sequences
for sequence in sequences:
    print("Sequence ID:",
    print("Sequence Length:", len(sequence.seq))
  • Set your email address for Entrez to comply with NCBI’s usage policies.
  • Use Entrez.esearch() to search for sequences in the NCBI Nucleotide database.
  • Retrieve the sequence records using Entrez.efetch() and specify the desired format (e.g., FASTA).
  • Process and analyze the retrieved sequences as required.


  • Scripting with Biopython enables efficient automation of bioinformatics tasks.
  • Biopython’s rich functionality and compatibility with various file formats make it an excellent choice for scripting.
  • Examples of scripting tasks include sequence manipulation, file handling, and data retrieval.