Course Content
Biopython Fundamentals
About Lesson


  • Understand the concept of variant calling in NGS data analysis.
  • Learn about common variant calling algorithms and approaches.
  • Explore how Biopython can be used for variant calling and analysis.

Introduction to Variant Calling

  • Variant calling is the process of identifying genetic variations (e.g., SNPs, insertions, deletions) from NGS data.
  • It involves comparing the sequenced reads to a reference genome and detecting differences or variations.

Variant Calling Approaches

  1. Single Sample Variant Calling: Identifying variants in a single sample against a reference genome.
  2. Comparative Variant Calling: Comparing variants across multiple samples to identify shared or unique variants.
  3. Population-level Variant Calling: Analyzing variants across a population to detect population-specific variations or genetic associations.

Common Variant Calling Algorithms

  1. GATK (Genome Analysis Toolkit): Widely used for variant calling and genotyping, offering various tools and best practices.
  2. SAMtools: Provides a suite of tools for manipulating and analyzing SAM/BAM files, including variant calling.
  3. FreeBayes: Bayesian variant caller capable of detecting variants in small and large datasets.
  4. VarScan: A variant calling tool specifically designed for somatic mutation analysis.

Variant Calling Workflow

  1. Preprocessing: Quality control, read alignment, and removal of duplicates or low-quality reads.
  2. Variant Calling: Identifying variants using an appropriate algorithm, considering various parameters and quality filters.
  3. Variant Annotation: Annotating the detected variants with additional information, such as functional effects, allele frequencies, and disease associations.
  4. Variant Filtering: Applying filters to prioritize high-confidence variants and remove false positives.
  5. Variant Analysis: Investigating the biological significance of variants, such as impact on protein structure, pathways, or disease associations.

Biopython and Variant Calling

  • Biopython provides modules and functionalities for NGS data manipulation and analysis, including variant calling.
  • The SeqIO module handles sequence file parsing, while the SeqRecord and Seq objects facilitate variant manipulation and analysis.
  • Biopython can be integrated with other variant calling tools and libraries, enabling a comprehensive analysis pipeline.

Example: Variant Calling using Biopython

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq

def variant_calling(reference_file, input_file, output_file):
    reference =, 'fasta')
    variants = []

    for record in SeqIO.parse(input_file, 'fastq'):
        # Perform variant calling logic here
        # Compare record.seq to the reference sequence and detect variations
        # Append the detected variants to the variants list

    # Write the detected variants to an output file
    with open(output_file, 'w') as out_handle:
        for variant in variants:
            out_handle.write(str(variant) + 'n')

# Usage
reference_file = 'reference.fasta'
input_file = 'sample.fastq'
output_file = 'variants.txt'

variant_calling(reference_file, input_file, output_file)
  • The code snippet demonstrates a simplified variant calling function using Biopython.
  • The function reads a reference genome sequence and an input file containing sequenced reads.
  • The logic for variant calling is not implemented in the snippet and should be tailored to the specific variant calling algorithm or approach.


  • Variant calling is the process of identifying genetic variations from NGS data.
  • Common variant calling approaches include single sample, comparative, and population-level variant calling.
  • Popular variant calling algorithms include GATK, SAMtools, FreeBayes, and VarScan.
  • Biopython provides modules and functionalities for NGS data manipulation and can be used in variant calling workflows.
  • A typical variant calling workflow involves preprocessing, variant calling, variant annotation, variant filtering, and variant analysis.