Oxidation and reduction Oxidation is the addition of oxygen or removal of hydrogen. When substances burn in air
The blast furnace.
Extraction of Iron Raw materials used Raw materials Source Uses Limestone/CaCO3 Buchwa/ Redcliffe Acts as a flux i.e.
Global Warming
Global Warming Global warming is the gradual heating of the earth that is caused by elevated levels of
Biogas notes
Biogas Is a renewable source of energy that is made mostly of methane. The gas is formed when
Sulphuric Acid by The Contact Process
Sulphuric Acid Production The Contact Process Raw materials used Oxygen from air or water Sulphur dioxide from roasting
Production of Ethanol
Production of Ethanol Fermentation of sugar or maize meal solution Fermentation is a chemical reaction in which sugars
Reaction Kinetics introduction
Introduction Rate of a reaction: change in concentration of reactants or products per unit time Activation energy: minimum energy colliding
Qualitative Analysis of Group III Ions
ZIMSEC Biology Practical
ZIMSEC Biology Practical Paper 4 Tips & Hints 2 Hours 30 minutes 50 marks Weighting – 14% This